UPA has had a strong presence in the Central West Region, centred on the vibrant city of Orange, for many years.
Orange offers excellent medical services and facilities including public and private hospital, indoor swimming pools, lawn bowls clubs, great shopping and restaurants and a well-supported Ex-Services Club.
UPA Central West has a well-earned reputation for providing aged care services of the highest standard.
Click on the links to learn more:
Ascott Gardens, Orange
♦ Dementia Specific Care
♦ Residential Care
♦ Residential Respite Care
Astill Court, Orange
♦ Independent Living
♦ Retirement Village
♦ Self-Care Units
Kooronga Lodge, Orange
♦ Independent Living
♦ Retirement Village
♦ Self-Care Units
Molong Lodge, Molong
♦ Independent Living
♦ Retirement Village
♦ Self-Care Units
Prunus Lodge, Molong
♦ Dementia Specific Care
♦ Residential Care
♦ Residential Respite Care