Myoora Homestead is a contemporary residential aged care facility nestled in well established gardens within walking distance of the main street of Henty, a charming rural town midway between Albury and Wagga Wagga.
Myoora Homestead offers 20 resident rooms, all with ensuite. Residents are encouraged to personalise their rooms with items from home, which helps foster a sense of comfort and familiarity.
Most rooms have access to the well-tended gardens which include a gazebo and an internal courtyard, an ideal environment for relaxation and socialising.
All Myoora’s living and entertainment areas are located on a single level, ensuring easy access and mobility. Home cooked meals are served in the spacious dining areas.
Myoora Homestead offers round-the-clock care by experienced staff, and the nearby Henty Hospital adds to the level of support available. A local doctor, podiatrist and hairdresser all visit regularly,
Myoora Homestead has strong ties to the Henty community, and residents are encouraged to maintain their independence and access the town’s services and resources. The facility collaborates with staff and volunteers from the local community to support an activities program that offers opportunities for both group and individual interaction.
Residents have access to a calendar of events that includes a wide variety of activities including outings to neighbourhood towns, Tai Chi classes, falls prevention and exercise classes, and visits from Red Cross volunteers.
The cost of residential aged care consists of 3 components, a basic daily fee, means tested fee and an accommodation cost. For further information on aged care costs please click here: Residential Aged Care Costs.
The accommodation cost for Myoora Homestead, Henty NSW is available in this list: Accommodation Rates.
Contact details:
Cnr Bartsch & Keighran Streets
Henty NSW 2658
Telephone: 02 6025 1776